Paintings available for sale
I create my paintings on stretched canvas with high-quality acrylics and oils; I finish them with varnish. PRINTS are also available for all of my paintings, prices vary depending on the size of the print.
Please get in touch with me if you have questions or are interested in acquiring one of them.
Click on image for full view, painting information, and prices.
Oil painting on canvas, unframed. These Playful Parrots can be be purchased together or separately. Each painting measures 12x24 inches, Cad $200 or together $360, plus shipping costs if applicable
Fisherking bird acrylic painting on canvas. Unframed, size 12x12 inches, Cad $150 plus shipping costs if applicable.
Zen Landscape acrylic painting on canvas. Unframed, size 12x12 inches, Cad $150 plus shipping costs if applicable
Original acrylic painting on canvas Unframed size 12X16 inch Cad $190 This colorful and handsome rooster painting is perfect for your kitchen or dinette area!
Original acrylic painting on canvas board. Unframed, size 12x12 inches, Cad $150 Framed, size 13X13 inches, Cad $170
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas - 20x24 inches Unframed, CAD $500
Acrylic on canvas 11x14 inch, Price CAD $180 Prints also available
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas, 16X20 inch Price CAD $350
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas 16x20 inch CAD $350
Original Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas Unframed, 16X20 inch Price CAD $350
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas, 11X14 inch, Price CAD $180
Acrylic painting on canvas panel 11X14 inch - CAD $200
Acrylic on canvas panel 11X14 inch - CAD $200
Acrylic on canvas 16x20 inch plus frame Price CAD $500
Acrylic on canvas 11 x 14 plus frame (inspired by Picasso) CAD $300
Acrylic on canvas 16 x 20 plus frame (inspired by Picasso) - Cad $500
Acrylic on canvas 18 x 24 inch plus frame (inspired by Kirchner) - Cad $550
Acrylic on canvas (inspired by Picasso) 20x24 inch plus frame - CAD $650
Acrylic on canvas 24 x 20 inch framed - Cad $630
Acrylic painting on canvas 20X20 inch, unframed $CAD $430
Acrylic painting on canvas 20 x 16 inch - Cad $350
Acrylic on canvas 11 x 14 plus frame, Cad $300
Acrylic on canvas 11 x 14 plus frame, Cad $300
Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inch Price CAD $100
Acrylic on canvas board 11 x 14 inch CAD $160
Acrylic on canvas panel 16X12 inch $210
Acrylic painting on canvas - 16X20 inch. CAD $350
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas, 11x14 inch, Price CAD $180
Acrylic painting on canvas, 11X14 inch, Price CAD $180
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas, unframed, 12x16 inch CAD $230
Acrylic on canvas board 12x16 inch CAD $210
Original acrylic painting (Inspired by Helen Van Wyk) 11x14 inch - CAD $200
Acrylic and Oil painting on canvas, 16x12 inch, Price CAD $200
Acrylic and oil panting on canvas, unframed 14x14 inch price Cad $220
Acrylic on canvas unframed 20 x 24 Cad $500
Acrylic painting on canvas 11 X 14 inch plus frame - CAD $350
Acrylic on canvas board 9x12 inch CAD $120
Acrylic on canvas 16x20 inch plus frame CAD $500
SOLD - Commission painting 48X60
SOLD -Commission painting 36X36
SOLD - Commission painting 36x36