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Alberta, Canada

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About: Contact
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I was born in Chile, but I have lived most of my adult life in Canada. 
I discovered at an early age that I could draw and paint effortlessly, as a young adult, I worked for a short time as an artist painting portraits.
For the following thirty years of my life, I worked as an Accountant in the Petroleum Industry in Calgary, Alberta.  During this time, I was extremely busy as a mother, working full time; I didn't pick up a brush, except for the ones to do my makeup!
I thought painting was a closed chapter, until one day I got the urge to go and purchase painting materials.  I started with watercolors and shortly after moved to acrylics—which is my medium of choice.
This reencounter with my long lost love—painting—has been a marvelous journey; painting is my source of creation, my therapy, my life!
My mission is to bring joy and happiness with my creations and to make art available for those who love it—at reasonable prices!  

Paulina Ponsford

About: About
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